current balance [′kər·ənt ‚bal·əns] (electricity) An apparatus with which force is measured between current-carrying conductors, with the purpose of assigning the value of the ampere. Also known as ampere balance. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyrig...
trade, current account, current account balance, balance of payments, table, institutional comparisons, DICE DatabaseFuchs, Fabian U
这个是国际金融的内容啦,就是经常账户 和 资本与金融账户,算了,还是用英文吧Current account is one of the two primary components of the balance of payments, the other being the capital account. The current account is the sum of the balance of trade ,net factor income and net...
See June 27, 2022: The global food insecurity crisis — efforts to reduce the crisis and avoid widespread social unrest, Ahead of the release of ...
current account balanceterms of tradeSVMAEconomic theory suggests that a permanent rise in terms of trade should result in a permanent rise in the standard of living. The increase comes from a permanent rise in productivity following an efficient reallocation of resources in a frictionless economy....
a.that part of the balance of payments composed of the balance of trade and the invisible balance. Comparecapital account1 b.(as modifier):a current-account deficit. Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 20...
[translate] aWhat are the general trends in UK trade over the last 30 years? You should refer to the current balance over this period in your response. 什么是一般趋向在英国贸易在过去30年期间? 您在您的反应应该提到当前余额在这。[translate]...
media & telecom explore other industries commercial banking solutions capital markets commercial lending corporate card depository services trade credit treasury management explore other solutions insights & resources about capital one commercial banking commercial insights commercial banking sign in capitalize on...
A deficit between exports and imports of goods and services combined—otherwise known as abalance of trade(BOT) deficit—could mean that the country is importing more to increase its productivity and to eventually churn out more exports. This, in turn, could ultimately finance and alleviate the ...
A deficit between exports and imports of goods and services combined—otherwise known as abalance of trade(BOT) deficit—could mean that the country is importing more to increase its productivity and to eventually churn out more exports. This, in turn, could ultimately finance and alleviate the ...