6 december - Moon phase: I quarter (new Moon), 7 lunar day -Moon in Aquarius 7 december - Moon phase: I quarter (new Moon), 8 lunar day - Moon in Pisces from 9:50 GMT - unfavorable time: until 9:50 GMT 8 december - Moon phase: II quarter (new Moon), 9 lunar day - Moon ...
Monthly Astrological Events, Monthly Chinese Horoscopes, Monthly Flowers, Monthly Horoscopes, Monthly Moon Phases, Monthly Planting Calendar, Monthly Retrograde Planets, moon phases, Neo-Paganism, New moon, Northern Hemisphere Moon Phase, Northern Hemisphere Planetary Positions, Northern Hemisphere Sabbat, Nu...
The Moon today is considered a Blue Moon, of course the idea of a Blue Moon really has more to do with the Gregorian Calendar than anything astrological, and so, if in a way it seems to be artificial, but we would suggest that those who constructed the calendar understood that they were...