Understanding Apex Predator and Pelagic Fish Habitat Utilization in the California Current System by Integrating Animal Tracking With in Situ Oceanographic Observations; Technical reptEcosystemsPacific oceanFood chainsTunaAnimal migrationRelational data basesOceanographic data...
Universal’s Great Movie Escape– First-of-its-kind escape adventures kicked off at Universal CityWalk on December 9, 2022. Travel through time within the Back to the Future universe in Back to the Future: OUTATIME, or flee from the grasp of an apex predator in Jurassic World: ESCAPE. Rea...
In the IUCN Red List the Eurasian otter is classified as “Near Threatened” and the European badger as “Least Concern” (Roos et al., 2015; Kranz et al., 2016). All specimens were collected in accordance with applicable Polish law. The otter and badger are native to Europe but the ...
(2012) also concluded that some wildlife populations had been harmed by ED, and they provide a list of so-called chemicals of concern, some of which are not POPs as listed by the Stockholm Convention, but which have been the subject of other regulatory action [e.g. tri-organo- tins; ...
Understanding Apex Predator and Pelagic Fish Habitat Utilization in the California Current System by Integrating Animal Tracking With In Situ Oceanographic Observations.FishesHabitatsIn situ analysisOcean currentsSatellite tracking systemsThe team assembled includes researchers from the University of California ...
pulmo were approved by Chinese practitioners as palatable; however, a lack of investment and interest from regulatory bodies currently delays the establishment of such a fishery (D. Edelist, personal communication). To assess the applicability of developing jellyfishing in European seas, the main ...