Transp Res Part F Traffic Psychol Behav. Pergamon. 2015;32:127–40. Article Google Scholar Schoettle B, Sivak M. A survey of public opinion about autonomous and self-driving vehicles in the U.S., the U.K., and Australia. University of ...
and occupation have a significant influence on the take-over intention. The perceived ease of use (PEofU) and perceived usefulness (PU) of automated driving are significantly negatively correlated with drivers’ take-over intention in the road conditions (RC) and climate conditions (CC) scenarios....
Furthermore, granule cells exhibit a low frequency of spontaneous firing under in vivo conditions, but are very sensitive to sensory stimulation [39,40]. CGNs display mRNA levels of different K2P channels [41,42]. Of these, in cerebellar granule neurons, the protein expression levels of TWIK-...
Shorthand notation used: Type Real/Synthetic; Cameras Grayscale/Color/FishEye/Thermal/Polarization/Event/MultiSpectral/Depth; Daytime Morning/Day/Sunset/Night; Location City/Indoor/Outdoor/Region/Traffic (left/right-handed), † indicates that the cities/regions considered belong to the same state, ...
Large volumes of traffic are generated by the zombies and are forwarded to the target system to overload it. The distributed nature of the source of traffic make it nearly impossible to distinguish from legitimate traffic. Earlier, attackers had to perform each step of the attack manually. This...