no matter which feature I look at, for android only the support till 4.4.4 and the last stable version is shown. Example: Currently we are at chrome 114 and caniuse shows: full-data.json contains: "android":{"2.1":"n","2.2":"n","2.3":"n","3":"n","4":"n","4.1":"n",...
Google Play Books Most people have heard of Kindle, while Google Play Books can be considered Google’s version of the online reading tool, providing access to an amazing array of new and old books. It’s got all the kind of features you’d expect from an online reader too, such as ac...
AutoCompleteType not working on Chrome autofill a textbox based on another textbox input. Automapper created this type map for you, but your types cannot be mapped using the current configuration Automapper ForMember VB version Automatic download and install a exe file to the client system .net Au...
chrome_url_capture.js Repository files navigation README Chrome-URL-interceptor Frida script that instantly displays the current tab URL on Chrome Android (suitable for fast URL capturing). Might not work on latest chrome versions as of now (since they're protected against Frida) If you want ...
EXTRA_CHROME_LAUNCH_INTENT, pendingIntent); } Example 9Source File: From android_maplibui with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); mHasGPSFix = false; mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystem...
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It is now time to transition into the Prelims mode of preparation with our CA-VA Prelims Module, which comprehensively covers prelims-specific current affairs through detailed classes and Live Prelims Micro Tests (PMTs) conducted before each session, followed by a subject-wise full-length test. ...
ChromeFirefoxOperaBraveSamsung Internet BrowserMicrosoft Edge Remove pop-up ads from Chrome for Android On your Android phone, open Google Chrome In the top right corner, tap “More” (three vertical dots), then click on “Settings”. Chrome’s “Settings” menu should now ...
cmake_minimum_required(version 版本号) 1. 例如: cmake_minimum_required(version 2.8) 1. 1.2 定义工程名称 #定义工程名称 project(项目名称) 1. 2. 例如: project(MyTest) 1. 1.3 显示定义变量 set(var [value]) 1. 例如: # 第一种用法,生成代码文件列表 ...