CEIC提供的国际收支平衡表:经常和资本账户数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.IMF.BOP: BPM6: Balance of Payments: Analytical Presentation: Annual。 查看图表中 1975 到2023 期间的巴西 巴西 BR: BoP: Current & Capita...
理解国际收支平衡(BoP)的关键在于理解收支平衡表账目的划分,平衡表账目分为:经常账目(current account)+ 资本账目(capital account); 一般说的外汇储备账目(reserve account)应该(理应)包含在资本账目中,但为了使用的方便,大多数时候人们提到资本账目,特别是新闻中提到 “国际收支不平衡” 是除去外汇储备账目的。 为了...
塞尔维亚 BoP: Current & Capital Account Balance的相关指标相关指标 数值 频率 范围 国际收支平衡表:经常资本账户余额 (百万美元) 55.171 2018-05 月 2013-01 - 2018-05 国际收支平衡表:FA:PI:资产 (百万美元) 124.731 Oct 2024 月 Jan 2013 - Oct 2024 国际收支平衡表:FA:PI:债务 (百万美元) 732.7...
A subdivision of the capital account, the financial account records transfers of financial capital and direct investments. The BOP is published by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA).The credits and debits of some transactions are recorded in both the current and the capital account, while ...
BoP, there are three main accounts are: current account, the financial account and capital account. The current account includes trade balance, service balance, income and current transfers balance of payments, reflecting the situation of a country's import and export countries as an important basis...
The BOP, which comprises the current account, the capital account and the financial account, is a statistical statement that summarises external transactions of an economy with the rest of the world. The financial non-reserve assets, the dominant component of the financial account, showed a signif...
A first step towards an understanding of current and capital account movements is the understanding of the IMF Manuals. The first edition was used as a guideline for Balance of Payments (BOP) compilers and published in 1948. However since then, important changes had occurred in the manner in ...
Examining thecurrent accountbalance of a country's BOP can provide a good idea of its economic activity. It includes activity around a country's industries, capital market, services, and the money entering the country from other governments or through remittances. ...
The Monetary Authority of Macao added that the overall balance of payments (BOP) surplus of Macao in 2017 stood at 1.6 billion patacas (about 198 million U.S. dollars). The BOP, which comprises the current account, the capital account and the financial account, is a statistical statement tha...
Capital Account Flowsin and outof the capital account represent changes in asset value through investments, loans, banking balances, andreal propertyvalue. The capital account is less immediate and more invisible than the current account. Many common misunderstandings about international trade stem from...