Why Should I Watch Harlem: A charming comedy-drama centered around four close friends living in the vibrant neighborhood of Harlem, this show delves into their relationships, careers, and aspirations as they navigate the complexities of adulthood. With engaging performances from its talented cast a...
Check out this list of the best sci-fi shows on television right now and vote up the good current science fiction shows you think deserve the top spots. Whether you prefer a modern iteration of the classic Star Trek franchise, or an anthology series for the ages, if it's a great sci...
the keeper of the human body’s delicate equilibrium. On a given day, minute by minute, it purifies the body of toxins it encounters from diet, climate, activity, and injury. It allows us to be and to move in the world. And yet most of us know so very little about these extraordinar...
The Dark Ages is the term given to the period of time between formation of the first stars and the scattering of CMB radiation. Moon-based instruments are best to detect signal from the Dark Ages. Lunar Surface Electromagnetic Experiment (LuSEE Night) is a joint NASA-Berkeley Lab project. ...
Charlotte Kent and a host of avatar friends. Yep, I know I’ve been asking you to save the date, but there’s a *new* date and let’s hope good things come to all us who wait >> Planet Real-Time will now air *LIVE* NEXT Sunday, May 15 at 7PM EDT. ...
As I said to you, my memory is very poor and I couldn’t remember [the ages of ‘Bea’’s children] so I put down what I thought was the circumstance. They could be younger, they could be a bit older, I don’t know… I actually don’t remember the crèche facilities [at SWP ...
This confident, hilarious, non-nonsense woman needs to give Barbie a pep talk. I did love Gloria (America Ferrera)’s speech, but Megan’s would be one for the ages. 2:Ida (Eve Arden) fromMildred Pierce(1945) What Megan can do with yelling and pounding, Ida can do with an eyebrow....
Sovereignty: Crown of Kings is a turn-based fantasy strategy game for the PC. It offers a intuitive yet deep province system, allowing you to raise armies, conduct diplomacy, scout enemy battle lines, rally heroes to your banner, send them on quests, cast spells and go to war. In ...
Coming from the inimitableRocky Horror Picture Show, Brad (asshole!) and Janet (slut!) are two young lovers who with a flat tire who are lucky enough to happen upon the castle of Dr. Frankenfurter. Hilarity ensues. Watch it at mudnight in a theater with friends to enjoy the subtext an...
MIAMI – February 3, 2022 –Community Health of South Florida Inc.(CHI), is proud to hostGive Kids A Smile Dayon February 4, 2022. The annual event provides free dental screenings, cleanings, vanish, sealants and giveaways to children ages one to 16 years old. ...