Read current affairs of 2 December 2023 in English to improve your performance in the general awareness section of the government exams and become a government officer. Daily Current Affairs are very important for the preparation of the government exams
This iconic road is also flanked by the north and south blocks, also called as the Secretariat buildings, on either side with the north block that homes the offices of the Home and Finance Ministers and the south block that homes the offices of the Defence and External Affairs Ministers. It...
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the Supreme Court said that since the affairs of the Sikh minority in the state are to be managed by the Sikhs alone, it cannot be said to be violative of any of the fundamental rights conferred under Articles 25 and 26 of the Constitution. ...
Below are the useful current affairs quiz 2023 practice questions in Important Dates for competitive exams like APPSC, TSPSC Groups and UPSC Civil Services, prepared by sakshi education. 1. On what day National Police Commemoration Day is observed in India?
To manage his daily affairs, he hired an 18-year-old farmer’s daughter named Marie Denarnaud. Marie took care of all his daily tasks, while Saunière spent his time immersed in Greek and Latin texts. The rest of his time was spent visiting homes in the village and neighboring villages,...
Telugu YouTuber posting a video attacking their industry nor did we see Kannada content creators doing the same. So why are we doing this is a question we viewers need to ask as well. I don’t mind criticism as not everyone has to like a film. There are a lot of them who did not...