“Although in 2013 the NPC officially abolished the re-education through labor system, an arbitrary system of administrative detention without judicial review, numerous media outlets and NGOs reported forced labor continued in prisons as well as drug rehabilitation facilities where individuals continued to...
Current Affairs – February 2016 CurrentAffairs February 2016 This is a guide to provide you a precise summary and big collection of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) covering national and international current affairs for the month of February 2016. This guide helps you in preparation for Indian ...
A slow return to normality is becoming possible in Mali's northern regions which endured months of harsh jihadist rule until French-led forces intervened. However, there is concern that this should not simply mean a return to the pre-crisis state of affairs Will China Wear Out Its Welcome ...
high quality trauma care access is skewed towards the urban, insured, higher socioeconomic class adult. District hospitals are more poorly equipped and manned, and dedicated trauma centers, blood banks, and intensive care facilities are largely located within cities and in southern Africa. The larges...
In early 2015, ZANU-PF formally expelled Mujuru, citing her putative anti-Mugabe plot. To date, however, she has not been criminally indicted. Should Mugabe vacate the presidency, either by choice or due to natural causes, Mnangagwa, who also serves as Justice and Legal Affairs Minister, ...