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Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams - 18 January 2020 Q1. Which of the following statements regarding the recently released World Economic Situation and Prospects 2020 (WESP) report stands true ? 1) As the global economic balance is shifting from the EU, the US and other developed countries to...
Q1. India has announced contributing 10 million US dollar to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) over the coming two years. Which of the following statement regarding UNRWA stands true ? 1) The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for ...
Stay updated with UPSC Current Affairs 2025 for IAS preparation. Access free daily updates from The Hindu, PIB, and more, tailored for the UPSC IAS exam.
Best monthly current affairs magazine for easy revision of current affairs for UPSC. Our monthly magazine has news & Current Affairs Analysis for IAS aspirants.
Why current affairs is more important in Civil Service Exam? Success in Prelims and Mains Exam is directly related to an aspirant’s awareness in current affairs. Preparation of current affairs for UPSC is the key to unlock the exam. It requires practice and revision in a well-connected manner...
On 21 January, G-20 Sherpa Amitabh Kant was lauded by PM Narendra Modi for his book on the country’s G-20 presidency titled How India Scaled Mt. G-20. External Affairs Minister Dr. S. Jaishankar has written a fascinating foreword for the book. ...
Read current affairs of 31 January 2025 in English to improve your performance in the general awareness section of the government exams and become a government officer. Daily Current Affairs are very important for the preparation of the government exams
SSBCrackExams’s Current Affairs Today Section provides the latest and Best Daily Current Affairs 2025 for UPSC, NDA, CDS, AFCAT, SSB Interview and all other defence competitive exams Including IAS/PCS, Banking, IBPS, SSC, Railway, UPPSC, RPSC, BPSC, MPP
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