Balance of Payment 之 Financial Account (国际收支平衡表中的金融账户) 704 1 02:54 App Consequences of Current Account Deficit(经常账户赤字的后果)-2 1838 2 06:38 App Price Ceiling(价格天花板) 1452 4 03:59 App 短期VS. 长期 (short run VS. long run) 1360 0 06:27 App Price Floor(价格...
国际收支(Balance of Payments)是一个国家与世界其他国家的交易记录,包含经常账户(Current Account)和金融账户(financial account)。 1. Current account(经常账户) 这是所有货物和服务贸易支付收益流动的记录,包括货物(goods)、服务(services)、收入(income)和经常...
The current account balance of payment is one of the two main parts of thebalance of payments accounts. It records the transactions that relate to the import and export of goods and services across the borders of the nation over a specific period of time. The transactions are usually with mu...
表示银行的 current account 也就支票帐户的balance of payment 借方余额透支,可能要再深入看支票帐户的balance of receivable才能确定真正余额如何 ;
Balance of Payments: Current Account & Measuring Foreign Trade from Chapter 14 / Lesson 7 36K Foreign trade is one key indicator of economic health. Read about the four main foreign trade components of the current account, learn how to measure and calculate the current account...
restore the MBF’s (annual)current account balance,UNESCO should examinewaysoffinancing its long-term debt. 和为了恢复医疗保险基金(年度)流动平衡所采取的行动一样,教科文组织应研究其 支付长期债务的措施。
Current account deficit and balance of payment Abalanceofpayments(BOP)sheetisanaccountingrecordofallmonetarytransactions(货币型经济业务)betweenacountryandtherestoftheworld.Thesetransactionsincludepaymentsforthecountry‘sexportsandimportsofgoods,services,andfinancialcapital(金融资本),aswellasfinancialtransfers(转移...
CEIC提供的国际收支:经常账户数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,数据归类于全球数据库的捷克共和国 – Table CZ.OECD.EO: Balance of Payments: Current Account: Forecast: OECD Member: Quarterly。
CEIC提供的国际收支:美元:经常账户数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,数据归类于全球数据库的爱尔兰 – Table IE.OECD.EO: Balance of Payments: Current Account: USD: Forecast: OECD Member: Quarterly。
The maincategories of the balance of paymentare the current account, the capital account, and the financial account. How Is the Current Account Balance Calculated? The current account is calculated by finding the balance of trade and adding it to net earnings from abroad and net transfer payment...