current account deficit的含义是:经常账户赤字。 是否理解为经常项目赤字,就是进口小于出口,付汇大于收汇。 同学理解正确。 那么,购汇方向需求旺盛,本币应该趋向贬值。 正确。 为了将汇率水平拉回到长期的fair value水平,政策应该鼓励货币升值呀。为啥是A 这道题的意思是:汇率偏高,高于长期均衡的fair value,因此才会使...
2. (Economics) economics a. that part of the balance of payments composed of the balance of trade and the invisible balance. Compare capital account1 b. (as modifier): a current-account deficit. Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publi...
currentaccountdeficit网页 图片 视频 学术 词典 航班 current account deficit 美 英 un.国际收支经常项目递差 英汉 un. 1. 国际收支经常项目递差 隐私声明 法律声明 广告 反馈 © 2025 Microsoft
Further, it a chroniccurrent account deficitof a 6 per cent of GDP. 此外, 经常账户赤字长期保持在高水平,占GDP的6%. 互联网 That could add to the current - account deficit and stoke inflation, which has been rising. 这样会让目前面临且呈上述趋势的财政赤字与强劲势头的通货膨胀火上浇油. ...
【经济13】current-account deficit经常项目赤字;credit binge信用狂热;loan-to-value ratio贷款价值比率;commercial bank商业银行;securities house证券公司;attorney-general总检查长;merger and acquisition兼并与收购;private equity私募股权投资;hedge fund对冲基金 @赵丽老师 ...
exceeds the dollar value of tangible consumer goodssoldto foreign nations, thecurrent accountshows a deficit. On the surface, this appears to be anet lossfor the U.S. Indeed, the standard economics calculation forgross domestic product (GDP)initially suggests that any current account deficit reduce...
The terms current account deficit and trade deficit are often used interchangeably, but they have substantially different meanings.