国际收支(Balance of Payments)是一个国家与世界其他国家的交易记录,包含经常账户(Current Account)和金融账户(financial account)。 1. Current account(经常账户) 这是所有货物和服务贸易支付收益流动的记录,包括货物(goods)、服务(services)、收入(income)和经常...
receipts and payments account 现金收支帐 相似单词 current account n. 活期存款,往来帐户 Account,The 帐户系指伦敦证券交易所(*London Stock Exchange)对于会员之间的交易所提供的一种融资期限,通常为14天,凡是以「记帐」(on account)方式在该期限内购进的证券,必须在结 account n. 1.[C] 帐,帐目,帐单...
塔吉克斯坦 Balance of Payments: Current Account的相关指标 相关指标数值频率范围 国际收支:经常账户 (千美元)-81,581.7302024-03季2010-03 - 2024-03 国际收支:经常账户:GS:货物 (千美元)-1,052,535.468Mar 2024季Mar 2010 - Mar 2024 国际收支:经常账户:GS:服务业 (千美元)-152,466.930Mar 2024季Mar...
balance of payments on current account 英文balance of payments on current account 中文【经】 经常项目收支平衡
balance of payments current account meaning, definition, what is balance of payments current account: movements of money into and out of a cou...: Learn more.
A definition of the term "balance of payments current account" is presented. It refers to a record of imports and exports of goods and services and the flow of money between countries arising from investments.EBSCO_bspBloomsbury Business Library Business & Management Dictionary...
of Schedule 2, includes assets in the courseofconstruction,payments on account,goods in transit and capital stores. hkelectric.com hkelectric.com 指港燈與電力有關而在土地、樓宇、廠房和設備方面 的投資及轉化為資本開支的整修和改善工程,除根據 附表二 A 部所載規定外,亦包括建築期內的資產,暫付...
美 英 un.国际收支经常帐户的收支状况 英汉 un. 1. 国际收支经常帐户的收支状况
该数据的历史最高值出现于03-01-1991,达17,741.000百万美元,而历史最低值则出现于06-01-2024,为-275,091.000百万美元。CEIC提供的国际收支平衡表:经常账户(CA)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Bureau of Economic Analysis,数据归类于全球数据库的美国 – Table US.JB001: BPM6: Balance of Payments。