Currency Converter X helps you convert 170+ world currencies and get the latest exchange rates. Type the amount, select the original currency and the currency to which you want the amount to be converted. Click the Convert button and get the instant result right there. ...
USD United States dollar EUR Euro JPY Japanese yen GBP Pound sterling AUD Australian dollar CAD Canadian dollar CNY Renminbi CHF Swiss Franc BRL Brazilian real INR Indian Rupee TRY Turkish lira RUB Russian Ruble HKD Hong Kong dollar KRW
Convert live your money to foreign currency based on today's exchange rates. Currency converter uses cross rates to deliver other currencies values, which means you can calculate the values of the EUR (Euro) and USD (United States Dollar) to any other currency. Currency codes are standardized ...
Chinese Yuan currency subunit:fēn, 1 fēn = 1/100 Chinese Yuan Central Bank:People's Bank of China Europe Currency: Euro Euro (EUR)is the currency used in Europe, Greece, Cyprus, Montenegro, Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, Belgium, Austria, Netherlands, Germany, Finland, Kosovo, French Gu...
Chinese Yuan currency subunit:fēn, 1 fēn = 1/100 Chinese Yuan Central Bank:People's Bank of China Hong Kong Currency: Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar (HKD)is the currency used in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Dollar currency symbol:HK$ ...
To Currency EuroEUR Exchange rate 0.95760 from US Dollar (USD) / Euro (EUR) Latest exchange rate Rate 0.957601 +0.004128 (+0.43%) Yearly range Min. 0.89276 Avg. 0.92048 Max. 0.95987 Created with Highcharts 9.3.02. Sep9. Sep16. Sep23. Sep30. Sep7. Oct14. Oct21. Oct28. Oct4. No...
Currency converter based on daily exchange rates in Euro (EUR) and US Dollar (USD). Currency calculator uses cross rates to deliver foreign currencies values.
货币换算器 安卓版(Currency converter)app(易速软件园提供下载)是一款功能强大的应用程序,可以快速、准确地进行货币兑换的软件。在这款软件中用户们可以再也不用担心在国外吃完饭付款时候复杂的计算多少钱了,帮助用户们快速的进行人民币和各种外币进行换算非常的实用。易速软件园推荐最新版本,感兴趣的小伙伴们快快点击...
CZK1 = € €1 = CZK February 18 2025 10:09:15 (Delayed: 1s) Currency Conversion Calculator: Dollars to Pounds. Amount CZK to €€ to CZK Converted Site News Have you tried ourhidden fees calculator? You might like: Dollars2Euros ...
外匯網>人民幣 - (CNY)> Currency Converter is dedicated to providing free and accurate exchange rate information for 人民幣 (CNY) against the most traded currencies namely United Arab Emirates Dirham(AED), Australian Dollar(AUD), Bitcoin(BTC), Canadian Dollar(CAD), Swiss Franc(CHF), Chinese Yu...