The official currency of Malaysia is the ringgit and is abbreviated to the currency code RM or MYR. Each ringgit is divided into 100 sen and is issued by the Bank Negara Malaysia. Currency Name: Malaysian ringgit Currency Code: MYR Currency Symbol: RM Central Bank: Bank Negara Malaysia Reserv...
PKR to MYR Exchange Rate ChartWith Wise's Currency Charts, you can easily explore historical market data and analyse trends for any currency pair over time. Our interactive charts use real-time mid-market exchange rates and allow you to view data over a range of periods, including up to the...
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The Malaysian Ringgit is the currency in Malaysia (MY, MYS). The United States Dollar is the currency in American Samoa (AS, ASM), British Virgin Islands (VG, VGB, BVI), El Salvador (SV, SLV), Guam (GU, GUM), Marshall Islands (MH, MHL), Micronesia (Federated States of Micronesia,...
Excellent site for quick converting and rapid finder for the Currencies of different countries. High speed, very useful and prompt tool. --Rainka & Manjira good job Fast and easy Alice Ting-Malaysia zAkkAssss It is realy such a awesome site, it really helps me out to find out exact fig ...
Frequently used Paraguayan guaraní banknotes are in denominations of 2000 guaranies, 5000 guaranies, 10000 guaranies, 20000 guaranies, 50000 guaranies, 100000 guaranies. Malaysian ringgitThe Malaysian ringgit (MYR) is the currency of Malaysia. The currency code is MYR and currency symbol is RM. ...
(However, in most other parts of the world, a dollar sign with two vertical lines is never used.) To install the Code2000 font, use the link above to download it and save it somewhere on your computer. Then, unzip the downloaded file and read the enclosed LICENSE.TXT file for the ...
the codes used to describe them in our responses. The "Currency Code" field you see at the start of each line below is theISO 4217 Three Letter Currency Codefor that currency. Wherever you see a currency code field in our API documentation you must supply one of the codes from this ...