Exchange rates for conversion of 1000 Chinese Yuan (CNY) to U.S. Dollar (USD) today Thu, 23 Jan 2025.
Convert 3000 United States Dollar To Chinese Yuan Updated:08/01/2025 09:13UTC Currency: CNY - Chinese Yuan USD - United States Dollar Conversion Rate: 1 CNY =0.13639USD 1 USD =7.33181CNY Country: China United States Flag: Region:
USD - United States Dollar Conversion Rate: 1 CNY =0.13702USD 1 USD =7.2982CNY Country: China United States Flag: Region: Asia North America Sub-Unit: 1 Yuan = 10 jiao or 100 fen 1 Dollar = 100 cents Symbol: ¥ $ Center Bank: ...
The renminbi (RMB, sign: ¥; code: CNY; also CN¥, 元 and CN元) is the official currency of China (People's Republic of China). Renminbi is legal tender in mainland China, but not in Hong Kong, Taiwan, or Macau. It is issued by the People's Bank of China, the monetary auth...
The renminbi (RMB, sign: ¥; code: CNY; also CN¥, 元 and CN元) is the official currency of China (People's Republic of China). Renminbi is legal tender in mainland China, but not in Hong Kong, Taiwan, or Macau. It is issued by the People's Bank of China, the monetary auth...
RMB to USD converter and RMB/USD historical data to compare Chinese Yuan and US Dollars on todays exchange rate on January 23, 2025.
Check today's US Dollar to Chinese Yuan Renminbi exchange rate with Western Union's currency converter. Send USD and your receiver will get CNY in minutes.
interest on large deposit amounts (USD3 million or equivalent, or above) accrues at a rate negotiated between the deposit-taking branch and the customer within the range permitted by the higher tier, and any interest rate in excess of the permitted range should be approved by the higher tier...
Another big priority is to increasingly focus on green financial instruments. According to Maasdorp, the bank has issued Renminbi green bonds several times since 2016 and issued its first USD green bond in April this year, demonstrating its commitment to sustainable capital markets. ...
CAIRO, Dec. 6 (Xinhua) -- Egypt and China on Tuesday signed a currency swap agreement worth 18 billion yuan (about 2.62 billion U.S. dollars) to bolster economic activities in the north African country. The deal, signed between the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) and the People's Bank of...