Calculator to convert money in Mexican Peso (MXN) to and from United States Dollar (USD) using up to date exchange rates.
real exchange ratesPrior research establishes that the spread between long- and short-term bond yields often provides valuable information for predicting business cycle downturns. This study examines the predictive capacity of the yield spread for the United States metropolitan economies situated along the...
The exchange rate does not register a statistical...Yoskowitz, David W., and Michael J. Pisani. 2007. Risk and reward: Currency substitution and acceptance of the Mexican peso by firms in the United States southern frontier. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 47: 422-434....
This topic, known in the economics literature as the J-curve effect, has been the subject of numerous studies. Exchange rate policies also impact commuter traffic between international metropolitan areas, but there has been much less attention devoted to understanding the effects of currency valuation...