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Energy is a Universal Exchange Currency and May Have to be the Next Global Currency for a Long Time. Here we talk about energy as a new currency, because it is an absolute global value of things that can be exchanged and converted thanks to the progress of sciences. We also suggest the...
However, without any sign, it launched an avalanche, which once fell to 7100 yuan / up, down more than 20%, the decline is still expanding, the most tragic drop to 6600 yuan, plunging 25%, a time of blood flowing, investors wail everywhere. Looking back on the year of bitcoin, the ...
This Universal currency conversion application for the iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch shows you what you're paying instantly and is easy to use even when you have jet lag.$1.99 - App Store Currency Calculator When you are traveling in a different country, most of the time your focus will be on ...
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own one. It is still cheaper as a new aircraft is about RM15mil. Besides surveillance, it can also be used to help evacuate people in the islands off Johor during emergencies and during the monsoon season. We cannot just be relying on the air force and fire department all the time. ...