I did this curl "http://111.example.com" I get curl: (3) URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL I expected the following Content of the page printed out. Or in case of this dummy URL I expect output: curl: (6) Could not resolve host...
同事,追查了原因,竟然是url和outfile的值都没赋值。 无语!
CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT means that the request that I made was invalid and had malformed url. Now it's not even clear if CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT resulted from the url0 that I requested, or after fetching url0 and checking Location header that contained malformed url1. At least with previous versi...
curl_easy_cleanup(curl); fclose(fp); printf("done \n"); } ... 直接传入url没有问题,能够正常下载,但是通过rapidxml,解析xml文件获取url,然后传入url,则不能下载,执行结果CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT,c++菜鸟,强行上战场,求指教.*** 自己的锅,解析别人给的xml的时候没有忽略换行符,搞了这么久,居然是这个...
2015-04-16 14:13 −命令格式 curl [options] [URL...] 命令参数 -0, --http1.0 强制使用 HTTP/1.0 发送请求 -A, --user-agent 指定用户代理 -b/--cookie <name=string/file> 传递 cookie --ba... huey2672 0 1027 Using url_for() in an Action ...
反思Curl的提示 CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT, 3: URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL 同事,追查了原因,竟然是url和outfile的值都没赋值。 无语!
I did this curl --ftp-ssl -k "ftp://localhost/src_folder/New folder/" --user xxx:yyy curl: (3) URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL The bug can be reproduced if URL contains at least one space symbol. Otherwise content of folder o...