8.返回值为CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT (28) 当请求超时时,curl_easy_perform会返回CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT。这可能是由于网络传输过程中出现延迟或设置的超时时间过短导致的。 9.返回值为CURLE_SSL_CONNECT_ERROR (35) 如果在SSL握手过程中发生错误,curl_easy_perform会返回CURLE_SSL_CONNECT_ERROR。这可能是由...
Greetings, Getting an error when attempting to send an email with small attachment Email (102) Record#1: Func 'curl_easy_perform' failed, ret = 28,
CURLE_MALFORMAT_USER, 24: unknown error CURLE_UPLOAD_FAILED, 25: upload failed (at start/before it took off) CURLE_READ_ERROR, 26: failed to open/read local data from file/application CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY, 27: out of memory CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEOUTED, 28: a timeout was reached CURL...
CURLE_MALFORMAT_USER, 24: unknown error CURLE_UPLOAD_FAILED, 25: upload failed (at start/before it took off) CURLE_READ_ERROR, 26: failed to open/read local data from file/application CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY, 27: out of memory CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEOUTED, 28: a timeout was reached CURL...
Attempting to perform under this condition would always return CURLE_READ_ERROR (26). As I can freely reuse the mime_handle in other ways and embed it as a subpart if freshly made, this seems to suggest something internal to curl. I recognize that this may be intended behavior, but I ...
curle_ok(0)意味着一切都是好的,非零均值发生错误 <curl/curl.h> 定义见libcURL错误(3)。如果我‐lopt_errorbuffer(3)是集curl_easy_setopt(3)会有一个可读的错误的错误消息时,非零返回缓冲区。 范例 CURL *curl = curl_easy_init(); if(curl) { ...
CURLE_READ_ERROR,26:failedtoopen/readlocaldatafromfile/application CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY,27:outofmemory CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEOUTED,28:atimeoutwasreached CURLE_FTP_COULDNT_SET_ASCII,29:FTPcouldnotsetASCIImode(TYPEA) CURLE_FTP_PORT_FAILED,30:FTPcommandPORTfailed ...
CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT (28) Operation timeout. The specified time-out period was reached according to the conditions. 操作超时。指定的超时时间是根据条件达成。 CURLE_FTP_PORT_FAILED (30) The FTP PORT command returned error. This mostly happens when you haven't specified a good enough address...
I expect the perform operation to not return an error, and if aPOSTQUOTEis specified, to have it be executed. curl/libcurl version libcurl 8.9.1 (this worked in libcurl 8.8.0) operating system I have tried both on Windows and alpine linux with verified libcurl 8.9.1 ...
Everything worked fine until I noticed that sometimes the app terminates unexpectedly (not timeout, it just ends without even an error message). I have narrowed it down to a curl_esy_perform. The server is long to reply to that request (tested with Postman and it take...