curl -x --proxy-user aiezu:123456 #指定代理用户名和密码,ntlm认证方式 curl -x -U aiezu:123456 --proxy-ntlm #指定代理协议、用户名和密码,basic认证方式 curl -x http_proxy://aiezu:123456@113.185....
exporthttp_proxy=http://your-ip-address:port/ ##http_proxywithusernameandpassword exporthttp_proxy=http://user:password@your-proxy-ip-address:port/ ##HTTPS version## exporthttps_proxy=https://your-ip-address:port/ exporthttps_proxy=https://user:password@your-proxy-ip-address:port/ 1. 2. ...
cURL is highly versatile and represents a common solution to perform various tasks, such as making HTTP requests, downloading files, uploading data, and interacting with APIs. It offers several features, from request customization to proxy support. Installingcurl Let’s now learn how to installcurl...
a proxy in cURL serves as the intermediary between the cURL client running on your computer and the internet. By using a proxy with cURL, you're able to route your requests through a different internet
curl -x proxyhost:port 假设须要usernamepassword。格式 curl -x "http://user:pwd@host:port" 在Linux的命令行底下,一般的程序都是使用http_proxy和ftp_proxy这两个环境变量来获得代理设置的。 所以仅仅要使用export http_proxy=proxy_addr:port就能够使用代理了。
curl --proxy '' -H 'user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' Send POST request with JSON in cURL ...
脚本中使用export定义了HTTP_PROXY及HTTPS_PROXY系统环境变量 然后再多处地址使用了curl访问https,第一处curl命令就报错了(curl使用了--tlsv1.2及--insecure选项) +++++根据错误进行了如下几个步骤的排查分析 1、服务器到proxy服务器的端口连通(正常的)
proxy="http://user:pwd@" Save the file. Now, curl with proxy is ready to be used. Simply runcurlnormally and it will read the proxy from.curlrcfile. curl"" On Windows, the file is named_curlrc. This file can be placed in the%APPDATA%directory...
CURLOPT_HEADEROPTHow to deal with headers. One of the following constants:CURLHEADER_UNIFIED: the headers specified inCURLOPT_HTTPHEADERwill be used in requests both to servers and proxies. With this option enabled,CURLOPT_PROXYHEADERwill not have any effect.CURLHEADER_SEPARATE: makesCURLOPT_HTTP...
proxy=”http://usr:pass@″ Save the file. You can now use cUrl with the proxy. Just run cUrl and the application will read the proxy from the newly created .curlrc file: curl ““ If you’re on Windows, .curlrc is called _cu...