header参数用于设置HTTP请求的头部信息,包括请求方法、请求头字段等。可以通过CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER参数来设置,其值为一个包含头部信息的数组。常见的头部信息包括Content-Type、User-Agent、Authorization等。 body参数用于设置HTTP请求的主体信息,即请求的实际数据。可以通过CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS参数来设置,其值可以是一个字符串...
curl -XPOST -d hello http://localhost:9090/save 我们需要添加请求头参数,修改Content-Type属性 -H "Content-Type: application/json" 模拟发送body参数请求成功,而且也解决了参数尾部会增加“=”的问题。 另外,除了直接在命令行里直接输入body参数之外,我们可以通过指定一个文件的内容作为参数body的内容,也是可以...
filter=cfp","docs":"http:\/\/joindin.github.io\/joindin-api\/"} -vis forverboseand so you get told all the information you could possibly want. However, usually, I only want to know the response’s headers and body. Enter the-iswitch! $ curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" htt...
, libcurl当前支持http, https, ftp, gopher, telnet, dict, file, 和ldap 协议。libcurl同样支持HTTPS...
(FTP) Specifies a custom FTP command to use instead of LIST when doing file lists with FTP. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. curl -X POST \--header'Content-Type: application/json'\--header'Accept: application/json'\--header'appkey:key'\--header'app...
</body> </html> 如果要把这个网页保存下来,可以使用-o参数: $ curl -o [文件名] www.sina.com 二、自动跳转 有的网址是自动跳转的。使用-L参数,curl 就会跳转到新的网址。 $ curl -L www.sina.com 键入上面的命令,结果自动跳转为www.sina.com.cn。
获取POST以后返回的Header、Body、Cookie内容 最后 文档 GET访问 echo teacher_curl("https://api.oioweb.cn/api/beian.php?url=qq.com"); POST访问 echo teacher_curl("https://api.oioweb.cn/api/beian.php",[ 'post'=>[ 'url'=>'qq.com' ] ]); 或 echo teacher_curl("https://api.oioweb...
curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: text/html' -d '{ "body": { "account": "41557558612310085632", "appid": "5000000002", "amount": 12350, "paypalAccountEmail": "test@qq.com", "remark": "asd测试" ...
Entity headers provide information about the body of the resource, such as the MIME (media) type. HTTP headers are not case-sensitive, and header names do not have to be capitalized. For example, “Content-Type” is equivalent to “content-type.” However, the values of headers are case-...