{ pcurl->get_response_code(); pcurl->get_response_length(); pcurl->get_response_contenttype(); puri->request_size = pcurl->request_size; puri->request_cursize =0; }if(pcurl->request_size >0) {if(puri->curbuf ==NULL) { puri->curbuf = (char*)malloc(pcurl->request_size+1)...
http_code http状态码,如200成功,301转向,404未找到,500服务器错误等。(The numerical response code that was found in the last retrieved HTTP(S) or FTP(s) transfer. In 7.18.2 the alias response_code was added to show the same info.) http_connect The numerical code that was found in the ...
http_code http状态码,如200成功,301转向,404未找到,500服务器错误等。(The numerical response code that was found in the last retrieved HTTP(S) or FTP(s) transfer. In 7.18.2 the alias response_code was added to show the same info.) http_connect The numerical code that was found in the ...
CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT (7) Failed to connect() to host or proxy.CURLE_FTP_WEIRD_SERVER_REPLY (8) After connecting to a FTP server, libcurl expects to get a certain reply back. This error code implies that it got a strange or bad reply. The given remote server is probably not an OK ...
HTTP 状态码(HTTP Status Code)是用以表示网页服务器 HTTP 响应状态的 3 位数字代码。它由 RFC ...
response<-getURL(url,.opts=list(header=TRUE,httpheader = headers),curl=handle,.encoding="utf-8") 比如可以通过getCurlInfo 函数获取handle中的所有信息。 getCurlInfo(handle) %>% names()cat(getCurlInfo(handle)$effective.url)https://edu.hellobi.com/cat(getCurlInfo(handle)$response.code)200cat...
cURL如何只返回状态码status code 在写一些 Shell 测试用例时需要检测 url 的状态是否为 200,这时如果能只获取它的状态码是最理想的,cURL可以很方便的实现。 -w 可以格式化输出 reponse 的返回结果。 12345678910 $curl-w "%{http_code}" https://baidu.com ... ...
CURLcode curl_easy_getinfo(CURL *curl, CURLINFO info, ... ); info参数就是我们需要获取的内容,下面是一些参数值: 1.CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE 获取应答码 2.CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE 头大小 3.CURLINFO_COOKIELIST cookies列表 除了获取应答信息外,这个函数还能获取curl的一些内部信息,如请求时间、连接时间等等。
int Requests::HttpDelete_Digest(const string & strUrl, int ID, string & strResponse) { CURLcode res; string req_url; req_url = req_host + strUrl + "&ID=" + to_string(ID); // PrintfW("post request url is: %s\n",req_url.c_str()); CURL* curl = curl_easy_init(); if ...的通信,使用命令(注意:括号前的反斜杠是必须的): #tcpdump host and ( or ) (3) 如果想要获取主机... (4) 如果想要获取主机192.168.228.246接收或发出的ssh...