"curl timeout was reached" 是一个在使用 curl 命令进行网络请求时可能遇到的错误信息。它表明 curl 在尝试连接到指定的服务器或资源时,超过了预设的超时时间,未能成功完成请求。 2. 可能导致 "curl timeout was reached" 错误的常见原因 网络延迟或不稳定:网络状况不佳可能导致请求无法及时到达服务器或响应无法...
其实是在打开编辑器和保存编辑的时候会出现 “连接至Parsoid/RESTBase服务器错误:(curl error: 28) Timeout was reached” 的提示 截图 我发现百度上都搜不到,然后在 MediaWiki 网站上找到了解决方法: 在服务器的hosts文件里加上一行 " 网站域名" 原因大概是通过公网 IP 访问不到数据库,所以提示这个错...
curl exec失败超时了
鸟哥,你好,我的是IIS上运行的,发现curl exec failed ‘Timeout was reached’这样的错误也较为常见. 已经调用SetOpt(YAR_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, 5000); SetOpt(YAR_OPT_TIMEOUT, 1000*60*5); 按理说我们是服务器直连,速度还可以,服务器的远程方法5分钟足够了的。请鸟哥指点? 无敌WEB|13 Feb 2014 14:12 ...
Since the system build on 2019-05-30 some people get anHTTP error 200 (curl error: Timeout was reached); error on nixos unstable when a download takes longer than a few minutes. A direct download e.g. curl -vvv -o ghc.tar.gz https://cach...
If you want cURL to timeout in less than one second, you can use CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS, although there is a bug/”feature” on “Unix-like systems” that causes libcurl to timeout immediately if the value is < 1000 ms with the error "cURL Error (28): Timeout was reached". The expl...
3 I tried to call theDarksky APIfor weather data, after giving the API key and run the request, i got the error as below: Errorincurl::curl_fetch_memory(url,handle=handle):Timeout was reached Did anyone had a similar issue when calling API on R?
在做项目是,调用RPC接口时,调用别人给的RPC接口会有超时的情况,出现如下错误: Yar_Client_Transport_Exception (16) curlexecfailed'Timeout was reached' 原因是RPC那边处理逻辑复杂,导致耗时较长。所以要加上不超时的处理逻辑: $client->SetOpt(YAR_OPT_TIMEOUT,0);// 设置RPC不超时 ...
If you want cURL to timeout in less than one second, you can use CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS, although there is a bug/"feature" on "Unix-like systems" that causes libcurl to timeout immediately if the value is < 1000 ms with the error "cURL Error (28): Timeout was reached". Th...
CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT 28 - the timeout time was reached CURLE_OBSOLETE29 29 - NOT USED CURLE_FTP_PORT_FAILED 30 - FTP PORT operation failed CURLE_FTP_COULDNT_USE_REST 31 - the REST command failed CURLE_OBSOLETE32 32 - NOT USED CURLE_RANGE_ERROR 33 - RANGE "command" didn't wor...