curl_setopt($curl[$k], CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($curl[$k],CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 1); 卷曲有两种不同的超时 - 参见 手册页: CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT 号码 尝试等待的秒数 连接。使用0无限期等待。 而且: CURLOPT_TIMEOUT 最大数量 允许cURL函数的秒数 执行。 它们都有“毫秒...
curl --max-time 400 --write-out %{http_code} --silent --output /dev/null "$targetHost" --header "Authorization: Bearer $tok") That's not what it does. From the --max-time<> doc: "Maximum time in seconds that you allow the whole ope...
请尝试将标题指定为--header 'Content-Type:多部分/表单数据“。
请尝试将标题指定为--header 'Content-Type:多部分/表单数据“。
warning: unable to download: HTTP error 200 (curl error: Timeout was reached);NixOS/nixpkgs#65015 When the timeouts occur, I see this in my nginx logs: This error message is confusing, but it seems to indicate that the client (Nix) is causing the timeout, not the server. ...
在Linux7服务器上执行的运行平台作业(curl cmd),该作业在完成作业的大部分时间返回“成功”。这也是错误"SSH command execute error: NonZeroResultCode: Remote command failed with exit status 52“的一部分。但是,如果作业运行2分钟或更长时间,有时会返回"failed“。已将"5m“的值添加到配置上的作业"Timeout...
This process will take up a bit of time but things will go out not well when it loads too long. Loading too long will lead to timing out and the message “cURL error 28: connection timed out”. Particularly, you will see it in your site’sWordPress dashboardlike this: ...
curl not working properly under Monterey (12.3.1) Developer Tools & Services Xcode Xcode Zsh AppleScript maxwyss Created Apr ’22 Replies 4 Boosts 0 Views 2.8k Participants 3 We have a problem with curl. Under Big Sur, the command curl 'ftp://ftp.myserver/myPath/my File' -u...
第二个问题是uint16_t httpResponseCode,而CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE需要一个指向长值的指针,你传递&...