linux基础之命令Curl curl是一个利用URL规则在命令行下工作的文件传输工具。它支持文件的上传和下载,所以是综合传输工具, 但按传统,习惯称url为下载工具。 curl的URL语法: 1.multiple URLs:http://site.{one,two,three}.com 2.sequences of alphanumeric series by using []:
tion in RFC 3986. You can specify multiple URLs or parts of URLs by writing part sets within braces as in: http://site.{one,two,three}.com --More-- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 2...
Here is the code://create the multiple cURL handle $mh = curl_multi_init(); // Loop over pages and get set the URL to the cURL queue foreach ($htmltogetlist as $source) { [...] // Get a cURL handle of the current URL $urls[$id]['ch'] = $this->_getCurlHandle($url...
The URL syntax is protocol-dependent. You'll find a detailed description in RFC 3986.You can specify multiple URLs or parts of URLs by writing part sets within braces asin: http://site.{one,two,three}.comor you can get sequences of alphanumeric series by using [] asin:ftp://ftp.nume...
You can specify multiple URLs or parts of URLs by writing part sets within braces as in: http://site.{one,two,three}.com or you can get sequences of alphanumeric series by using [] as in:[1-100].txt[001-100].txt (...
You can specify multiple URLs or parts of URLs by writing part sets within braces as in: http://site.{one,two,three}.com or you can get sequences of alphanumeric series by using [] as in:[1-100].txt ...
open source software has been developed by the efforts of thousands of contributors. Features include config file support, multiple URLs in a single command line, range 'globbing' support, multiple file upload on a single command line, custom maximum transfer rate and more. However, evidently this...
You can specify multiple URLs or parts of URLs by writing part sets within braces as in: http://site.{one,two,three}.com or you can get sequences of alphanumeric series by using [] as in:[1-100].txt[001-100].txt (...
By default, this sample uses the proxy configured for the device. The sample downloads multiple web pages concurrently by using the cURL Multi interface. The content is output as soon as it arrives. Pressing button A on the MT3620 development board initiates the web transfers. After the sample...
fromconcurrent.futuresimportThreadPoolExecutordefsend_multiple_curl_requests(urls):responses=[]withThreadPoolExecutor()asexecutor:futures=[executor.submit(send_curl_request,url)forurlinurls]forfutureinfutures:response=future.result()responses.append(response)returnresponses ...