curl -i -X POST-H "Content-type:application/json"-d'{"to_user”:"meitian","msg":"'${errorMsg}'"}' 2、使用变量替换curl请求中的部分内容 '"${var}"' 在双引号之外使用单引号,变量放在双引号内 例子如下: curl -H'Host:'-...
A problem occurred somewhere in the SSL/TLS handshake. You really want the error buffer and read the message there as it pinpoints the problem slightly more. Could be certificates (file formats, paths, permissions), passwords, and others. CURLE_BAD_DOWNLOAD_RESUME (36) The download could not...
After connecting to a FTP server, libcurl expects to get a certain reply back. This error code implies that it got a strange or bad reply. The given remote server is probably not an OK FTP server.CURLE_REMOTE_ACCESS_DENIED (9)We were denied access to the resource given in the URL. ...
$errorMessage = curl_error($ch); // 记录日志或其他处理 } $ch = curl_init(); // 设置其他CURLOPT参数 // 设置错误处理函数 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_ERRORFUNCTION, ‘handleCurlError’); “` 2. 检查HTTP状态码 在进行CURL请求后,可以通过curl_getinfo()函数来获取HTTP状态码。当状态码不是200...
_encode($data) ); $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt_array($ch,$options); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $result = json_decode($response, true); if ($result['status']=='success'){ echo 'Login successful!'; } else { echo 'Login failed:'.$result['message'...
复制代码代码如下:[root@WEB_YF_2.7 ~]#curl (35) error:0D0C50A1:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_item_verify:unknown message digest algorithm此问题多由证书本地openssl不能识别SSL证书签名算法所致。 使用了SHA-256 RSA 加密算法。而openssl在...
CURLE_SSL_CONNECT_ERROR (35) A problem occurred somewhere in the SSL/TLS handshake. You really want the error buffer and read the message there as it pinpoints the problem slightly more. Could be certificates (file formats, paths, permissions), passwords, and others. ...
CURLE_SSH 79 - error from the SSH layer, somewhat generic so the error message will be of interest when this has happened CURLE_SSL_SHUTDOWN_FAILED 80 - Failed to shut down the SSL connection CURLE_AGAIN 81 - socket is not ready for send/recv, wait till it's ready and try again ...
不带有任何参数时,curl 就是发出 GET 请求。 $ curl 1. 上面命令向www.example.com发出 GET 请求,服务器返回的内容会在命令行输出。 -A -A参数指定客户端的用户代理标头,即User-Agent。curl 的默认用户代理字符串是curl/[version]。
and try to download with curl small file (for example: curl I get message: curl: (6) getaddrinfo() thread failed to start