I did this Connected to many axis security cameras in https mode and some return curl error (56) : recv error immediatly after getting a complete response. Similar version of curl using openssl back end do not produce the error. I expect...
curl -X GET --header "Authorization: Bearer SecretCode" "http://ops.epo.org/3.2/rest-services/number-service/publication/epodoc/EP0000001/docdb" I will get this sometimes instead of the requested data {"fault":{"faultstring":"Unexpected EOF at target","detail":{"errorcode":"messaging.ada...
(base) MacPro:CodeCity wukong$ git push --force origin main Counting objects: 1171, done. Delta compression using up to 10 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (799/799), done. error: RPC failed; HTTP 400 curl 56 The requested URL returned error: 400 fatal: The remote end hung up unexp...
CURLE_QUOTE_ERROR(21) 当发送到远程服务器,自定义的“QUOTE”命令的一个命令返回的错误代码为400或更高(对于FTP)或表示不成功的完成命令。 CURLE_HTTP_RETURNED_ERROR(22) 这是返回CURLOPT_FAILONERROR设置为TRUE和HTTP服务器返回的错误代码是> = 400。
CURLcode 几乎所有“简单”接口函数都返回CURLcode错误代码。无论如何,使用curl_easy_setopt选项CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER是一个好主意,因为它将为您提供一个人类可读的错误字符串,可以提供有关错误原因的更多详细信息,而不仅仅是错误代码。可以调用curl_easy_strerror从给定的CURLcode编号中获取错误字符串。
CURLE_QUOTE_ERROR (21) When sending custom "QUOTE" commands to the remote server, one of the commands returned an error code that was 400 or higher (for FTP) or otherwise indicated unsuccessful completion of the command. CURLE_HTTP_RETURNED_ERROR (22) ...
CURLcode Almost all "easy" interface functions return a CURLcode error code. No matter what, using thecurl_easy_setopt(3)optionCURLOPT_ERRORBUFFERis a good idea as it will give you a human readable error string that may offer more details about the cause of the error than just the error...
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