"/"); SendRequest(context); if (context->curl_code == CURLE_OK) { request.success_callback(request.receiver, "OK"); } else { request.error_callback(request.receiver, context->curl_code, curl_easy_strerror(context->curl_code)); } DestroyRequest...
regarding the acutal issue: using@codeforkjeffs soltuion worked for me riosjeclosed this ascompletedNov 14, 2022 @patsevanton In the screenshot, I noticed you were logged-in asuser@acerthat's why you got error likecurl: (23) Failure writing output to destination ...
curl error 23 while downloading https://<private-repo-url>/packages.json: Failed writing received data to disk/application After many tries to fix this problem, I found that removingthis linefromCurlDownloaderfixes the problem: curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_ENCODING, ""); // let cURL set...
This is returned if CURLOPT_FAILONERROR is set TRUE and the HTTP server returns an error code that is >= 400. CURLE_WRITE_ERROR (23) An error occurred when writing received data to a local file, or an error was returned to libcurl from a write callback. CURLE_UPLOAD_FAILED (25) Fa...
CURLE_HTTP_RETURNED_ERROR(22) 这是返回CURLOPT_FAILONERROR设置为TRUE和HTTP服务器返回的错误代码是> = 400。 CURLE_WRITE_ERROR(23) 发生错误,写作时接收到的数据到本地文件,或者返回错误libcurl的一个写回调。 CURLE_UPLOAD_FAILED(25) 开始上载失败。对于FTP,服务器通常否认的STOR命令。通常的错误缓冲区包含...
After connecting to a FTP server, libcurl expects to get a certain reply back. This error code implies that it got a strange or bad reply. The given remote server is probably not an OK FTP server. CURLE_REMOTE_ACCESS_DENIED (9) We were denied access to the resource given in the URL...
CURLcode 几乎所有“简单”接口函数都返回CURLcode错误代码。无论如何,使用curl_easy_setopt选项CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER是一个好主意,因为它将为您提供一个人类可读的错误字符串,可以提供有关错误原因的更多详细信息,而不仅仅是错误代码。可以调用curl_easy_strerror从给定的CURLcode编号中获取错误字符串。
在 SDK 返回的错误码中,如果 retcode 为 4 表示网络错误,需要根据 thirdcode 来判断网络错误的详细原因。以下是 CURL 的错误码。错误码名称对应错误码和解释 CURLE_OK 0 CURLE_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL 1 CURLE_FAILED_INIT 2 CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT 3 CURLE_NOT_BUILT_IN 4 - [was obsoleted in August 2007 ...
几乎所有“简单”接口函数都会返回 CURLcode 错误代码。无论如何,使用curl_easy_setopt选项CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER是个好主意,因为它会给您一个人类可读的错误字符串,该字符串可能提供有关错误原因的更多详细信息,而不仅仅是错误代码。可以调用curl_easy_strerror从给定的 CURLcode 编号中获取错误字符串。
curl origin is unreachable error code 523 "curl origin is unreachable error code 523"是一个常见的网络错误消息,表示尝试访问的原始服务器无法达到。 这个错误通常与网络问题、服务器问题或CDN提供商的问题有关。以下是可能的原因和相应的解决方案: 1.网络问题: o检查你的网络连接是否正常。 o尝试使用其他网络...