当你遇到 curl: (97) connection to proxy closed 错误时,通常意味着 curl 在尝试通过代理服务器建立连接时遇到了问题。这个错误可能由多种原因引起,以下是一些解决步骤和建议: 确认curl命令和代理服务器的配置是否正确: 确保你在 curl 命令中正确设置了代理参数。例如,如果你使用的是 HTTP 代理,你的命令应该类似...
curl: (35) Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to I'm not sure if this is related, fix the version mismatch then try again and let us know. Author hugo-marello commented Dec 11, 2019 So unfortunately my OS crashed and I had to install another. This time installe...
[HTTP_PROXY_CONNECTION] => Keep-Alive [REMOTE_ADDR] => ) 从上面可以看出,REMOTE_ADDR字段变成了代理服务器的IP地址,而且在响应不包含原来的真实IP地址,但是多了HTTP_PROXY_CONNECTION,能判断出使用了代理,得出结论此浏览器客户端使用了匿名代理。 ④. 通过linux curl命令使用http高匿名代理访问:...
To make cURL ignore a proxy, you have several options. You can use the--noproxy '*'option to bypass all proxies, unset proxy-related environment variables (likehttp_proxyorhttps_proxy), override proxy settings in your cURL command with-x "", or use the--proxy1.0 ''option. Any of thes...
-x/--proxy<host[:port]>在给定的端口上使用HTTP代理 -X/--request指定什么命令 -y/--speed-time 放弃限速所要的时间,默认为30 -Y/--speed-limit 停止传输速度的限制,速度时间 实例 文件下载 curl命令可以用来执行下载、发送各种HTTP请求,指定HTTP头部等操作。如果系统没有curl可以使用yuminstallcurl安装,也...
【经验分享】某http proxy server远程连接老被reset,如图所示,curl连接总是返回“ Connection reset by peer”,偶尔也能成功一下。nc连接,能连上,但连上后马上断开。 在服务器上本地测试就没问题。刚开始怀疑是机房防火墙搞的怪,联系IDC无果。 proxy server用的是delegate,看命令行参数,偶然发现有个"MAXIMA=con...
: localhost:5443 > user-agent: curl/7.81.0 > accept: */* > < HTTP/3 200 < server: Jetty(10.0.9-SNAPSHOT) < content-length: 8 * transfer closed with 8 bytes remaining to read * Connection #0 to host localhost left intact curl: (18) transfer closed with 8 bytes remaining to ...
If you have a Mac, by default, curl is probably already installed. To check: Open Terminal (pressCmd + spacebarto open Finder, and then type “Terminal”). In Terminal typecurl -V. The response should look something like this:
proxy-ntlm requires Proxy-Connection: keep-alive #954 Closed Contributor captain-caveman2k commented Aug 21, 2016 • edited I've pushed a fix that I think addresses #718 for the most part which was built off some work I was doing back in March that I have recently pushed - However ...
I want to make the request look as close as possible to a real browser, however when I send the GET request through CURL, it sends the header "Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive" even when I haven't specified it. How can I remove "Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive" from th...