CURLE_FTP_WEIRD_227_FORMAT (14) FTP servers return a 227-line as a response to a PASV command. If libcurl fails to parse that line, this return code is passed back.CURLE_FTP_CANT_GET_HOST (15) An internal failure to lookup the host used for the new connection.CURLE_HTTP2 (16) ...
一、curl常用命令 这个命令我在linux下用的多一些,windows也可以,可以说是一款很强大的http命令行工具,支持上传、下载等操作,非常莱斯的工具。 1、get请求:并返回resp 代码语言:javascript 复制 curl # 测试请求是否可达:显示一次http通信的整个过程,包括端口连接和http request头信息 cur...
如何在Native侧集成三方库Curl,并进行HTTP数据请求 可以将Curl移植到HarmonyOS,然后在Native侧开发时直接使用Curl的C++库实现。具体HarmonyOS移植方法可……欲了解更多信息欢迎访问华为HarmonyOS开发者官网
--interface<name>使用指定的网卡接口访问;curl --interface eth0http://aiezu.comcurl--interface -X <command>--request <command>(HTTP)指定与服务器通信使用的请求方法,如:GET、PUT、POST、DELETE等,默认GET; --keepalive-time <seconds>设置keepalive时间 --no-keepalive关闭...
Now let’s try running the command again, but this time, we add https:// : curl Now, you should get the expected result. curl Use the -L Flag to Follow Redirects This is a good time to learn about theredirect optionwith thecurl command: ...
If you need to manually set this header, you can do so as follows: curl -H "Cookie: name=value" With the-Hoption, you can manually set any header in your request. In the command above, you’re manually setting theCookieheader with a specific cookie...
Try using curl to GET a web page Requests and responses include headers too Unpacking the weather API curl request Query strings and parameters Common curl commands related to REST Example curl command Quiz yourself Why curl? One of the advantages of REST APIs is that you can use almost any ...
curl command Convertcurlcommands to Python, JavaScript and more Fork me on GitHub Examples:GET-POST-JSON-Basic Auth-Files-Form importrequests response = requests.get('') Copy to clipboard curl from Google Chrome Open theNetworktab in theDevTools...
--url <URL> Spet URL to work with -U/--proxy-user <user[:password]> 设置代理用户名和密码 -V/--version 显示版本信息 -X/--request <command> 指定什么命令 -y/--speed-time 放弃限速所要的时间。默认为30 -Y/--speed-limit 停止传输速度的限制,速度时间'秒 ...
curl 默认的 HTTP 动词是 GET,使用-X参数可以支持其他动词。 代码语言:javascript 复制 $ $ 七、User Agent字段 这个字段是用来表示客户端的设备信息。服务器有时会根据这个字段,针对不同设备,返回不同格式的网页,比如手机版和桌面版。 浏览器的 User Age...