文心快码BaiduComate 当你遇到 curl: (7) failed to connect to ::1: no route to host 这个错误时,通常意味着curl尝试通过IPv6地址(在本例中是::1,即IPv6的本地回环地址)连接到服务器,但无法找到到该地址的路由。下面是一些可能的解决步骤,你可以按照这些步骤逐一排查和解决问题: 确认curl命令和目标地址: ...
centos 7 搭建lvs dr模式 测试报错 curl: (7) Failed connect to; No route to host 查看RS 1的防火墙 是开启的状态,关掉 #systemctl stop firewalld
【Bug解决】curl: (7) Failed connect to; No route to host,问题场景:我出现这个问题是在docker拉取tomcat镜像,启动后访问连接失败。这个问题弄了几天都没有解决,很多方法都试过:换tomcat的版本、关防护墙、开放端口,头发一把把掉(菜鸟哭泣~~
curl curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 80: No route to host 报错的解决 curl http:// 开启http服务后,本机可以执行命令curlhttp://访问主页,其他机器不可以,而其他机器ssh该台虚拟机是可以的,但执行curlhttp://报错没有到该主机...
curl no route to host **解决方法:curl no route to host** --- ### 问题描述 在使用Kubernetes(K8S)集群时,有时候会遇到通过curl访问服务出现“curl: (7) Failed to connect to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx port xx: No route to host”错误的情况。这种错误通常是由于网络配置问题或者服务未正确暴露导致的。
通过文章 容器的本质 (opens new window)可知,容器只是一个进程,而容器所能看到的网络栈,是隔离在...
When I try to run lando ssh -c "curl -I cdn.conquistabombusiness.lndo.site" from the main service to the CDN API service I get the error: curl: (7) Failed to connect to cdn.conquistabomnegocio.lndo.site port 80: No route to host, but a while ago it worked perfectly. I can ...
+crosscompiler | Connecting to musl.cc (musl.cc)||:443... failed: Operation timed out. Some detail: It's not specifically curl, it's any connection to that host. For a few days it was failing intermittently but now it's consistently failing. 1 2 replies zv-io Aug ...
rsync: failed to connect to 2110242: No route to host (113)rsync error: error in socket IO (code 10) at clientserver.c(104) [receiver=9]解决:对方没开机、防火墙阻挡、通过的网络上有防火墙阻挡,都有可能。关闭防火墙,其实就是把tcp udp 的873端口打开。
提示:curl: (7) Failed connect to; No route to host 潜意识里认为防火墙是关闭的。 service iptables status [root@gxcc Desktop]# service iptables status Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status iptables.service ● iptables.service - IPv4 firewall with iptables ...