一、查看宿主机dns [root@localhost ~]#cat/etc/resolv.conf # Generated by NetworkManager nameserver114.114.114.114nameserver8.8.8.8 二、将dns配置到/etc/docker/daemon.json "dns": ["",""] 三、重启docker [root@localhost ~]# systemctl daemon-reload [root@localhost~]# systemc...
V-CURL-6 代表 CURLE_COULDNT_RESOLVE_HOST ,即Couldn't resolve host. The given remote host was not resolved. 翻译过来就是 无法解析主机。无法解析给定的远程主机。有可能是相应网站的域名问题,或者浏览器问题,可以根据具体情况解决。
5 Couldn't resolve proxy. The given proxy host could not be resolved. 6 Couldn't resolve host. The given remote host could not be resolved. 7 Failed to connect to host. 8 Weird server reply. The server sent data curl couldn't parse. 9 FTP access denied. The server denied login or ...
curl:(6)无法解析主机:--标头 、、、 这是我的命令,我使用的是Mac os,-u "{username}":"{password}" —-header "Content-Type:application/jsonversion=2016-09-20"curl: (6) Could not resolve host: —-header curl: (6) Could not resolve 浏览2提问于2017-02-06得票数 3 回答已采纳 1回答 查...
Could not retrieve mirrorlisthttp://mirrorlist.centos.org?arch=x86_64&release=7&repo=sclo-rherror was 14: curl#6 - "Could not resolve host:mirrorlist.centos.org; Unknown error 解决方案:直接重新部署一个下载源(阿里云) 1. 先把原来的备份一下 ...
宝塔设置计划任务,进行自动审核执行的时候,报错: curl: (6) Could not resolve host: www.aaa.com; Name or service not known 经检查,发现是目录中为防止爆破混淆了字母顺序,导致了链接错误所致。 处理: 修改链接为正常链接即可!(此处是修改链接中agc为acg,再次执行OK!)...
14: curl#6 - "Could not resolve host: mirrorlist.centos.org; Unknown error" One of the configured repositories failed (Unknown), and yum doesn't have enough cached data to continue. At this point the only safe thing yum can do is fail. There are a few ways to work "fix" this: ...
CentOS 6已经随着2020年11月的结束进入了EOL(Reaches End of Life)。所以在2020年12月2日,CentOS...
When I copy the URL "https://nvidia.github.io/libnvidia-container/gpgkey" in the browser, it could download the file named "gpgkey". But when I input the command line in Terminal, it shows the same error "curl 6...". WeiXiao-Hyy commented Aug 11, 2022 • edited same error Mem...
docker容器 curl: (6) Could not resolve host: www.baidu.com;apt-get update 失败,yum install 失败 问题描述 :笔记本电脑 Xshell 使用SSH 协议连接CentOs 8 中的 docker 容器小白踩坑过程 想法如何而来: 在老式台式机安装了一个CentOS 8 linux 系统,闲的没意思,就在此系统上安装了 docker ,然后又运行了...