Thus, researcher Michael George, inSkimmington Revisited, reports, not only was “wife beating was illegal in the Plymouth Bay Colony of 1655 and… wife beaters… often the subject of social approbation or sanction”, but also that: “In the first codification of a system of written law by ...
Petty later became a member of The Traveling Wilburys with other legends – Jeff Lynne, Bob Dylan, George Harrison, and Roy Orbison. 175 Bruce Springsteen EXPERIENCE TRUE PSYCHEDELIC TRIPS! PSILOCYBIN JOURNEY TO HOBBITLAND – Fall – 1970 (related by 00individual in first-person present tense) I...
Another one of my professors,Professor George Bermann, is still active today. I occasionally still see Professor Bermann; I struggle to call him by his first name and prefer to address him as Professor Bermann. I also took a course withProfessor...