Ham (hăm) In the Bible, a son of Noah and the brother of Japheth and Shem. ham (hăm) n. 1.The thigh of the hind leg of certain animals, especially a hog. 2.A cut of meat from the thigh of a hog, often cured by salting or smoking. ...
Began today, curing over 70 pounds of ham and bacon. This the third pig we have processed. She was a 1-litter gilt (17 months old) and weighed close to 500 pounds with a hanging weight of 346. This post is about curing the hams and pork bellies. We order
A novel process for curing whole hams and improved boneless hams comprising the steps of mixing the ham or ham portions with a cure mix; storing the hams for a period of days; smoking the hams; subjecting the hams to ultraviolet light for a period of days; aging the hams under ...
Drying and smoking (smoking is optional). 1. Meat selection.Dry hams are usually made from whole legs. It must be remembered that pork pork should be either certified free of Trichinosis or treated according to the USDA specifications.
European immigrants brought meat curing and smoking technology to America, but their children developed different food habits. Most foods today are prepared by either canning, drying or are kept under refrigeration. Keep in mind that every quality ham, sausage or smoked fish is always mild cured,...
Hot SmokingPork Cured Meat Converting a Fridge for Drying 31 October 2021Leave a comment On my old blog, I had a tutorial about converting a fridge into an air-drying chamber. There were pages on temperature control and humidity and a whole lot about wiring the different controllers. ...
CategoriesCooking/Smoking Turkish Eggs Poached eggs on garlic yoghurt with a chilli butter dressing. Nigella Lawson CategoriesCooking Haggis Toasties Excellent Haggis toasties, with plenty of gooey melted cheddar and a pinch of pickled onions on the side. ...
Curing salts may seem like a very specialized subject. But once you get a taste for smoking, then curing your own bacon or prosciutto is a natural progression. The ability to make your own delicious pastrami, country style ham or corned beef from scratch is definitely a “next level” skill...
After smoking, the ham might be baked or poached in hot water. Here the fat acting as a barrier will prevent a loss of dissolved protein and meat juices that will try to migrate into the water. For more uniform curing, meats should be overhauled (re-arranged) on the third and tenth ...
It must be used with any products that do not require cooking, smoking, or refrigeration and is mainly used for products that will be air-cured for a long time, like country ham, salami, pepperoni, and other dry sausages. Both Cure #1 and Cure #2 contain a small amount of FDA-...