Electrical discharges inside thehuman brain causes rigidity of muscles,violent contractions in the muscles and unconsciousness. This condition is known as seizures. Recurring seizure disorder is often linked to epilepsy.In many people,seizures may occur only when there is an irritationin the brain, wh...
but the tests came out negative. In these cases, I just go ahead and treat, and their symptoms often resolve. If I see a person with a seizure who hasn’t had one before, I do an MRI to see if there is any evidence of a
Medscape: When did the more recent understanding of sleepwalking arise? SUGGESTED for you Dr Howell: Quite frankly, we don't know a lot about sleepwalking in particular. We know a lot more about seizure disorders and REM sleep behavior than we know about sleepwalking, in terms of the underly...