Asigna recursos para aumentar la capacidad de prueba, hacer que las mascarillas sean obligatorias, bloquear países o investigar tratamientos experimentales en la mayor expansión de Plague Inc. hasta la fecha.Creado con la ayuda de expertos mundiales en salud de todo el mundo, incluidos la OMS...
Plague Inc: The Cure, is gecreëerd met hulp van 's werelds grootste gezondheidsexperts van de WHO, CEPI en GOARN. Het is een meeslepende en actuele simulatie van een wereldwijde gezondheidscrisis. Jaag op de ziekte: zet overal ter wereld teams in om patient zero te vinden, volg...
结束(解药开始发放) 解药一旦生产完成进入投放阶段,那么游戏就已经胜利了,玩家的权威会进入保护状态,最低至1点。 解药模式Fungus普通难度通关指南 前期(病毒解析完毕前) 开局选择Greenland 切换到OPERATION界面 选择INVESTIGATE OUTBREAKS, GOVERNMENT PARTNERSHIPS, DEPLOY FIELD OPERATIVES 等待直至病毒被发现 切换到OPERATION...
الكمامات، أو إغلاق الدول، أو البحث عن علاجات تجريبية في أكبر توسع من لعبة Plague Inc. على الإطلا...
You'll stop disease instead of spreading it in an upcoming Plague Inc mode Plagues are out, sort of The new mode tasks you not just with developing a vaccine to its fictional virus, but with tracking down and containing the outbreak using familiar tools like contact tracing, lockdowns ...
James Vaughan, the founder of Ndemic Games, wrote a statement about the update: “Eight years ago, I never imagined the real world would come to resemble a game of Plague Inc. or that my game would be in a position to help educate and inform people.” However, he and his team have ...
“It was extremely challenging to fit such a complex topic into a game but the input that experts from WHO, CEPI and elsewhere provided has been invaluable in ensuring that Plague Inc: The Cure is both educational and engaging” “Eight years ago, I never imagined the real world would come...
Can you save the world? Take control and stop a deadly global pandemic by any means necessary in Plague Inc.'s biggest expansion yet!
Ready to cure the world? Ndemic Creations have released another small bit of info for Plague Inc: The Cure, the upcoming expansion to the excellent Plague Inc: Evolved.