made that one-fourth of the infant mortality of London is caused from whooping cough, and from a study of the vital statistics as published in Public Health Reports issued by Supervising Surgeon-General Marine Hospital-Service I believe that the same ratio will hold good in many other cities....
Folk-lore survivals: Cures for whooping cough In contrast with some diseases, particularly whooping-cough, pulmonary tuberculosis, skin diseases, especially warts, and eye diseases, the folk-lore of the eruptive fevers is somewhat scanty.\nThe abundance of folk-lore connected with ... J Fairfax-...
Codeine may be no cure for cough The article focuses on a study by scientists at the University of Manchester's North West Lung Centre in England which revealed that codeine, a standard ingredient in cough remedies, could be no more effective than an inactive placebo co... UO Manchester - ...
Folk-lore survivals: Cure for whooping coughdoi:10.1093/nq/156.25.440aFairfax-Blakeborough J.Notes and Queries