Often characterized by swollen gums, abscesses often occur due to an infection caused by a nearby tooth. Whether it hurts or not, it is crucial to consult a dentist when it happens. This is because leaving it untreated may only cause the other teeth to get damaged. It might even cause a...
Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums (gums are called “gingiva” and “itis” means inflammation). It is caused by bacteria. If you have gingivitis, your gums are likely red and swollen. They may bleed when you brush your teeth. Sometimes gums with gingivitis will be sore. Some ...
Red, swollen, and tender gums or presence of sores on the outer lips as well. If the formation of ulcers has begun after medication. If you think any chemicals could have caused ulcers in the mouth. In case sores develop on the gum near a tooth accompanied with a toothache. If there ...