Sensitive stomach is known by a variety of other terms: spastic colon, spastic colitis, mucous colitis, nervous diarrhea, nervous colon and nervous or functional bowel. When you have a sensitive stomach, problems can be triggered by stress, certain foods, or caffeinated or carbonated beverages. ...
101 Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS), Colitis, and Spastic Colon ... 102 Crohn's Disease ... 103 Central Abdominal Pain... 108 Interstitial Cystitis...
In the past, irritable bowel syndrome was also called spastic colon or bowel, functional bowel disease, mucouscolitis, or nervous colon. What are the types of IBS? Based on different patterns of changes in the bowel movements or the presence of abnormal bowel movements,IBSis of three types. ...
Radiationcolitis(such as following treatment with radiation forprostate cancer) Ischemic colitis(such as blockage of an artery in the colon by ablood clot. If the blood clotinterrupts the flow of blood to a segment of the colon, the result is inflammation of that segment and, sometimes, even ...
The first time I took these abdominal pain and digestive problems to a doctor was in 1986. They would say, "Well, you've got a spastic colon." The colon therapist freed up the ligament immediately, which got rid of my colon spasms within minutes, along with severe pain in my shoulder ...