It is still the most preferred way to treat powdery mildew cucumber issues. You can Mix baking soda and water and spray them all over the cucumbers. Baking soda is quite effective in controlling powdery mildew on cucumber attack. It is also very safe to use baking soda on plants. The prim...
Though it might seem counter-intuitive, one way to prevent powdery mildew is to keep your plants well watered. Drought-stressed plants have weaker immune systems, so they're less able to fight off fungus on their own. But make sure you're watering the roots, not the leaves! Excess water...
Whether your squash has a bush or vining habit, check for overcrowding and thin out a few lateral (non-main) stems or some lower (especially those touching the ground) or overlapping leaves to allow for better air circulation, which can help to prevent disease such as powdery mildew, reduce...
Then carefully turn the fruits upside down and leave for another 2 weeks. This insures that the skins harden up properly. Polish your pumpkins with a little olive oil on a cloth to make them moisture-tight, and they’re ready for storage. Pumpkin Problems Powdery mildew As soon as you se...