Home Remedy for Vertigo/Dizziness – Tip #1Otoliths can leave behind calcium carbonate debris over time and find their way to the sensitive structures in your inner ear. If they only accumulate in small amounts, the hair cells of the semicircular canals may not respond and not cause vertigo ...
Relax for 30 seconds. Carefully push yourself up to a sit from your left side. If your left ear is affected, perform these steps on your opposite side.Need a visual guide? Check out the video below:Many people find that their vertigo symptoms disappear right away after this exercise. In ...
Ear bone issues, such as the stiffening of the bones in the middle ear Ménière’s disease a disorder characterized by vertigo, hearing loss, a feeling of fullness in the ear, and tinnitus Head or neck injuries can affect the inner ear and hearing nerves, typically causing tinnitus in only...
The dangers of GMO foods — a likely cause of many of today’s health problems; A vertigo epidemic? October 2012Vaccines in the news and media; More possible causes of autism — and a new Brazilian study about its successful treatment with homeopathy. September 2012Homeopathy works by ...