irritated by excessive pressure and are inflamed because of it. Then the area gets bigger and turns into a solid, aching nodule that it is not comfortable to sit. When you have to sit for a long time during some trips, for instance, this position and pressure on the coccyx causes ...
“Whitish Coating on your Tongue” “Ugly Bumps around your Mouth” “Dry, Flaky & Swelling Skin” “Redness, Tenderness, Soreness, or Stinging around your Mouth Area” “What is this thing around my mouth?” “What will people think when they see me like this?” ...
In 1988 I learned a way to put anything on my skin, blind- folded, and identify it electronically in a few minutes. I could taste something without flavor and identify it electronically. The system worked fine for detecting things in the skin and tongue. Would it be reliable for internal ...
Well, to get to the end….the pain finally lessoned to where I could take it on Saturday night at about 6pm. I was basically in a living hell for like 18 hours. Even today (Monday morning) I still feel a burning in both hands. If I scratch any part of my body, it immediately ...
Eczemais an inflammatory condition of the skin where patches of skin become rough and inflamed, often producing tiny fluid-filled bumps that can leak clear fluid. It can occur at any age and is often chronic. The condition tends to worsen and then subside periodically. ...
Eczemais an inflammatory condition of the skin where patches of skin become rough and inflamed, often producing tiny fluid-filled bumps that can leak clear fluid. It can occur at any age and is often chronic. The condition tends to worsen and then subside periodically. ...