Bee-sting cure for rheumatismdoi:10.1093/nq/s10-XII.302.295eDavies LucyNotes and Queries
Bee Sting, bellyache, Black Eye, blackhead, bleeding gum, Blisters, blood, Blood circulation, blood sugar, Body Odor, Boil, breathlessness, Bronchitis, Bruises, bump, Burns, Canker Sores, carbuncle, Cataract, Chapped Lips, chest tightness, Chickenpox, Cloudy vision, cold, Cold Sores, Conjunctiviti...
Before I begin I want to tell you that 1) what I am about to suggest is based on my real life experience, and 2) I believe that we need to go after scabies with multiple approaches at once. And we need to do this in the least toxic way to our skin. Scabies can live for 30 t...
Bring respect back for your loyal genes that bring you hair color, and texture, not hair loss. That bring you eye color, not eye disease. Your genes brought you the good things about your ancestors, not the bad things. Parasites and pollution brought you the bad things. Killing all your...
There’s too much going on at work. We run global teams, with the exception of new parents who had young children that wake up for feeding in the middle of the night, or if you’re a caregiver to elderly loved ones who have, you know, middle of the night arousal things you can’...
Bee-sting cure for rheumatismdoi:10.1093/nq/s10-XII.300.248dHarland-Oxley W. E.Notes and Queries
Erin Richards