Within days of the 28 year old Victoria’s Secret model and wife of Orlando Bloom admitting she“cannot go a day without coconut oil”,sales at Holland & Barrett’s UK stores shot up by more than 50% on last year as customers clamoured for a slice of the supermodel’s secret. Miranda...
ALEX GOLDMAN: Here's my response to your concern. If you feel like an emotional—like if you feel emotionally like you can't handle the idea that only millionaires or billionaires are gonna be able to support—buy your baldness cure, give some to your brother, first of all, if he wants...
ANONYMOUS: Oh so, so the thing is, it goes beyond hair, like I think, hair is just sort of like a marker for health. And I know people would disagree with that, like oh male-patterned baldness is normal— PJ VOGT: How else has your life changed, like how else has your physical ...