Ayurveda: a cure for all ailmentsShinde, Srishti
CureCrowd.com is a user based, medically guided search engine. All our unique data comes from you and is guided by doctors. Get started here. Fill out a survey and help your community.Click here for more info Type your medical ailment or treatment below, then select from the drop down ...
Define Nature cure. Nature cure synonyms, Nature cure pronunciation, Nature cure translation, English dictionary definition of Nature cure. n. pl. na·tur·op·a·thies A system of therapy that avoids drugs and surgery and relies on natural remedies, suc
A remedy that cures all diseases or evils; a panacea. The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this...
it is also a complete cure for everything. A cure for illnesses, a cure for diseases, and indeed a cure for bad hearts and souls. It is THE book that when you read, listen or learn will not only make all your problems disappear but will also heal you, fix all your ailments and ma...
"The magical miracle cure for virtually all disease!" "I bought 3 copies of this book ... and have been applying the advice as described in the book. Now 8 years later, I have not had one cold, flu, viral infection, indigestion, or any other one of those ailments. My energy levels...
(of a remedy for a problem) likely to either work well or fail catastrophically, with no possibility of partial success.British 1998RichardGordonAilments through the AgesMackenziecomplained that the Germans' policy was ‘kill or cure’: if they tried an elaborate laryngectomy, it would turn them...
There is no cure for the common cold. The drug was sold as a cure for a variety of ailments. [ailment = /'elmənt/ noun, an illness that is not very serious] the search for a cure for cancer. There is no known cure but the illness can be treated. ...
Various ailments like arthritis,muscle painsare also relived. It also helps in reducingbody weight. It is good foremotional health. It may not be good for patient of asthma during acute attack and pt with heart trouble. Care must be taken for the person with sensitive skin. It should not...
Curaga & Charge is a special attack that targets all enemies. It costs 0 special attack gauges to perform. It greatly recovers HP, cures status ailments, and fills 10 gauges before attacking. It increases enemies' counters by 2, and inflicts more damage the more special attack gauges are ...