Plugins(插件设置界面)Pause at height(暂停高度) :打印到一定高度后,机头停至(X,Y)并回抽。Tweak At Z 3.1.2(Z轴旋转):Z轴转到某一定高度后,改变参数。Z height to tweak at(Z轴拉升高度)layer tweak at(停转层数):该层开始改变。New Speed(新打印速度)New Flow Rate(新流量)New Bed Temp(...
PostedApril 15, 2022· Can Cura be set to start each layer of a print to a specific object first? This is also my problem. When I change filament color at a given layer and the nozzle goes back to continue the print, it produces a small defect at the start of the new ...
Pause at height(暂停高度) :打印到一定高度 后,机头停至(X,Y)并回抽。 Tweak At Z 3.1.2(Z 轴旋转):Z 轴转到某一定 高度后,改变参数。 Z height to tweak at(Z 轴拉升高度) layer tweak at(停转层数):该层开始改变。 New Speed(新打印速度) New Flow Rate(新流量) New Bed Temp(新热...
Support wall line count=0 without objects erroneously homes on every layerStatus: Under InvestigationThe issue has been confirmed or is assumed to be likely to be a real issue. It's pending discussion.Type: BugThe code does not produce the intended behavior. ...
Pause at height(暂停高度) :打印到一定高度 后,机头停至(X,Y)并回抽。 Tweak At Z 3.1.2(Z 轴旋转):Z 轴转到某一定 高度后,改变参数。 Z height to tweak at(Z 轴拉升高度) layer tweak at(停转层数):该层开始改变。 New Speed(新打印速度) New Flow Rate(新流量) New Bed Temp(新热...
Randomize Infill Start With this setting enabled, the position where the infill will start printing is randomized for each layer. Normally, the infill line closest to where the nozzle was will be printed first. However, the infill is often printed at higher speed and/or with thicker layers. ...
;layer_height_0:{layer_height_0} ;layer_start_x:{layer_start_x} ;layer_start_y:{layer_start_y} ;limit_support_retractions:{limit_support_retractions} ;line_width:{line_width} ;machine_acceleration:{machine_acceleration} ;machine_always_write_active_tool:{machine_always_write_active_tool}...
Layer height(层高):打印每层的高度。一般选择值为0.2(常用数值0.05、0.1、0.2、0.3),数值越大打印越粗糙,打印速度越快。 Shell thickness(外壳厚度):实际是侧壁的打印厚度。图形厚度大于此值2倍则以图形厚度打印,反之则按打印厚度打印,间隙填充。(注意:如图形本身厚度小于或等于0.4mm,此值也要小于此值,否则切图...
层最短打印时间(Minimal layer time)是指打印每一层的最短时间,为了让每一层打印完之后有足够的时间冷却,因此,Cura要求打印每一层至少花费这个时间。这个时间就是为了让每一层有足够的时间冷却。如果某一层路径长度过小,那么Cura会降低打印速度。这个时间需要根据经验来修改。使用冷却风扇(Enable cooling fan)允许...
this technology is that each layer must be supported by the previous one. Although printers can handle overhangs and bridges, a layer simply cannot start in mid-air. For this, you can print support structures under your model. These support structures can be removed when the print is finished...