The best temperature, print speed, and retraction settings, among others. Read on for the best Ender 3 S1 & S1 Pro Cura slicer profiles. Set Your K1 Up for Success The Best Creality K1 Cura Profile / Settings Looking for the perfect Creality K1 Cura profile? Check out these settings and...
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Ender 3 S1 (Sonic Pad) Name abnormal settings crashes even with default profiles. Describe model location Flat on build plate Describe your model Does not slice on 5.7.0 or 5.8.0 Add your .zip here ⬇️ CFFFP_rc license plate Thanks for the report. You will have...
Ultimaker Cura is the world's most popular 3D slicing application for 3D Printers. If you are new to 3D printing or looking to get into it as a hobby. the first thing you need is a 3D printer. (My current printers are theCreality Ender 3 S1andThe Artillery Sidewinder) The next thing...
Ender 3 S1 Pro isn't printing the sizes prusas... By Erik on Jan 20 1001 2 sassonie Prusa Slicer with QIDI X-pro Answered By GrubbyZebra on Dec 18 10488 6 dogulas Infill before walls not working? By Josef Alleyne on Sep 13, 23 2277 2 Julian Anycubic Kobra Settings Ultimak...
Cura Version 5.4.0 Operating System Windows 10 Printer Kobra Plus / Ender 3 S1 Pro Reproduction steps I tried to print a STL file at the following site: The files are availabl...
巨影3d技术与广创院创始人兼执行院长黄伟3年前大家要的打印PC、PA尼龙以及ABS的专用级3D打印机来了#3d打印机 #3d扫描仪 00:00 / 01:21 连播 清屏 智能 倍速 点赞30 阿文菌2年前零基础玩转3D打印:Ender3 S1开箱测评,这是最适合新手的3D打印机! #3d打印 #测评 #开箱 00:00 / 17:03 连播 清屏 智能...
Posted March 3 · How do i add gcode to raise extruder to max height when print completed? I'm getting the same thing on my older Ender 3 Pro. Even if it's a relative move, max height is max height. Slashee_the_Cow Assistant Moderator 479 209 2,604 posts Posted Marc...
The older Ender 5 was 220 x 220 x 300... Is there a mistake in the new Profile for the Ender 5-S1 in Cura?... I wouldn't want it to crash my printer!... Bob Erik84750 Member 0 20 posts Posted November 7, 2023 · UltiMaker Cura 5.5 stable released Currently I am on Cur...
实际上,Cura和Prusa Slicer(及其衍生版本)已经默认支持这一点(无需额外的插件或脚本),PowerToys会自动...