The support interface extruder is indicated in red. Support Structure UltiMaker Cura offers two techniques to generate support:NormalandTree. Both of these structure types have their own advantages and disadvantages. Normalsupport generates a straight structure underneath the areas of the model that need...
Interface line width(顶层线宽):底座的线宽。一般设 0.4 即可。 Airgap(空隙):底座与图形表面的距离,一般设 0.22,利于拆卸。 Suface layers(表层):底座的表层打印数量,这些层是完全填充的层。 Fix horrible(修补缺陷): Combine everything(Type-A):尽量保持内孔不变 Combine everything(Type-B):忽略所有内孔,...
Interface line width(顶层线宽):底座的线宽。一般设0.4即可。Airgap(空隙):底座与图形表面的距离,一般设0.22,利于拆卸。Suface layers(表层):底座的表层打印数量,这些层是完全填充的层。Fix horrible(修补缺陷):Combine everything(Type-A):尽量保持内孔不变Combine everything(Type-B):忽略所有内孔,只保持外部...
Support Interface Speed:The speed at which support roofs and floors are printed. Since these need to adhere to the model properly, they should be printed at a slower speed. The settings for roofs and floors can be adjusted separately. Example:This image shows the visualization of the differen...
Interface line width(顶层线宽):底座的线宽。一般设 0.4 即可。 Airgap(空隙):底座与图形表面的距离,一般设 0.22,利于拆卸。 Suface layers(表层):底座的表层打印数量,这些层是完全填充的层。 Fix horrible(修补缺陷): Combine everything(Type-A):尽量保持内孔不变 Combine everything(Type-B):忽略所有内孔,...
;jerk_support_interface:{jerk_support_interface} ;jerk_support_roof:{jerk_support_roof} ;jerk_topbottom:{jerk_topbottom} ;jerk_travel:{jerk_travel} ;jerk_travel_layer_0:{jerk_travel_layer_0} ;jerk_wall:{jerk_wall} ;jerk_wall_0:{jerk_wall_0} ...
"support_fan_enable": { "value": "true if extruder_nr == support_extruder_nr else false" }, "support_fan_enable": { "value": "True" }, "support_infill_rate": { "value": 20.0 }, "support_infill_sparse_thickness": { "value": "layer_height" }, "support_interface_enable": { ...
@casperlamboo In the Cura 5.7.1, when I have support enabled and support interface enabled with the support interface set to the second extruder, the initial_extruder_nr is set to 1 when the initial layer starts with extruder 0 even though the partial fix mentions that the initial extruder ...
接口层线宽(Interface ling width)一般细一些,接口层厚(Interface thickness)和层厚相同即可。新版本的Cura 添加了空气沟(Airgap)和表面层(Surface layers)两个参数,第一个参数是控制底垫上面和模型底面的间隙,在这个间隙中不打印任何填充物,因此叫“空气沟 48、”,这个空气沟的存在有利于模型和底垫的分离。表面...
Automatic support interface feature.When using the Ultrafuse® Support Layer material, an interface layer will automatically be created between the object and the metal supports as well as between the model and the automatic shrinkage plate. This slicing strategy is specific for metal printing and ...