On this page you will find some easy conversions from grams to cups and vice versa. For easy reference if you need a recipe to convert.
Convert from cups to grams for popular baking and cooking ingredients such as sugar, flour and butter, and find out how many grams are in a cup
Our tool allows you to convert cups to grams for almonds (whole almonds),butter, cabbage (shredded cabbage), cocoa powder, all purpose flour, bread flour, margarine, chopped green/spring onions, uncooked basmati rice, uncooked rice, coarse salt, table salt, semolina, brown sugar, granulated su...
Cups are a unit of volume that are used to measure liquids, such as water, milk, oil, vinegar, etc. They are also used to measure some dry ingredients, such as sugar, flour, rice, etc. They are different from tablespoons and teaspoons, which are smaller units of volume. They are ...
Cups are a unit of volume that are used to measure liquids, such as water, milk, oil, vinegar, etc. They are also used to measure some dry ingredients, such as sugar, flour, rice, etc. They are different from tablespoons and teaspoons, which are smaller units of volume. They are ...
Calculator to convert all rice types; long and round short Jasmine rice, Basmati rice and rice flour, weight amounts versus dry volume in grams g, cups, ounces oz, pounds lb, quarts qt, kilograms kg. Enter Rice Amount: Precision:
US cups of raw rice to grams 0.6 US cup of raw rice=135 grams 0.7 US cup of raw rice=157 grams 0.8 US cup of raw rice=180 grams 0.9 US cup of raw rice=202 grams 1 US cup of raw rice=225 grams 1.1 US cup of raw rice=247 grams ...
CupsGrams 1/4 cup82 grams 1/3 cup109 grams 1/2 cup163 grams 2/3 cup217 grams 3/4 cup245 grams 1 cup326 grams Rice conversion chart Brown rice and white rice have different ingredient densities. Use these charts to easily convert grams to cups. ...
Conversion of measures for ingredients, weight, volume, Fahrenheit, Celsius, flour, butter, rice, oats, sugar liquids to cups to grams gm and milliliters ml, ounce fl oz, cubic meters to wheelbarrows to shovels.
To convert lbs. to cups, look at the nutrition label to calculate how many grams of the ingredient are in a cup. Then use this formula: 454/(number of grams in one cup) = number of cups in a pound For example, you may find out in the nutrition label there are 30g of all-purpose...